Friday, October 4, 2013

UNBOXING | GlamourBox #BeautySOS

H-E-L-L-O beautiful!! How is it going? :)
Today i'll share another unboxing with GlamourBox BeautySOS.

This is my first Glamourbox as well and I am going cray cray about the content of this box!
This arrived yesterday, September30 and let me tell you --- this baby made my day!
The delivery was quick and easy, I thought it would be delayed due to the unpleasant
weather we are experiencing as of today, but I thought wrong. So cheers to that! *wink! ;)

The theme of the box is #BeautySOS, it contains beauty and skin care products that would
answer all our skin problems from zits, dull skin, sparse lashes and everything in between!
The products are handy and very useful in case of emergency.

So off to the unboxing!!! :D


Got short, sparse or brittle eyelashes? RejuvaLASH is here to the rescue!
It gives intense nourishment to the lash hair follicle, helping you achieve fuller & more luxurious
lashes within 21 days. | Full size 5ml -- 2,860Php


Dryness, roughness, visible pores - you'll forget that you had them once you try this anti-aging serum!
It's active ingredient Carnitine repairs all skin damage, leaving it miraculously
vibrant & fine-textured. | Full size 40ml - 12,000Php


Inspired by the breakthrough Youth Gene research in Italy, this facial lotion with SPF 
ignites your skin's youth power. Undo 10 years from the look at your skin
in just 8 weeks! | Full Size 30ml -- 1,299Php


This unique, skin-safe, face and body gel is superbly simple, but packs one powerhouse
of a skin-protective punch! It treats acne & prevents over-sweating, leaving the skin
cooler & less prone to breakouts. | Full Size 120ml -- 710Php


Get those puckers looking luscious with this lipstick!
It's rich in antioxidants & vitamin E, acts as a natural sunscreen, & moisturizers - 
you man won't be able to resist kissing those lips all the time!


Enriched with the softening & calming properties of burdock, this gentle intimate wash
delicately cleans & soothes irritations. It has a mild alkaline pH & contains no soap
or parabens, making it ideal for daily use. | Full Size 100ml -- 159.75Php


P L U S   A   B O N U S ! ! !


Got oily, atopic skin? This emollient cream cleanser is the answer to your skin woe!
Use this on the face & body to nourish the skin & alleviate itching.
Perfect for adults & babies with sensitivities! | Full Size 100ml -- 1,190ml

T H A T ' S    I T ! ! !

So that's all the contents of my GlamourBox #BeautySOS box, isn't it amazing?! *wink! ;)
To sum it all together, here are all the details and prices:

            REJUVALASH Eyelash Growth Serum (5ml)..............................................P 2, 860.00
            KANEBO Impress Advanced CT Essence (0.4ml).....................................       750.00
            AVON Genics Gen-Protect SPF15 Treatment (30ml)............................    1, 299.00
            VMV HYPOALLERGENICS Id Monolaurin Gel (50ml).................................       295.83
            OFRA Lipstick (4g)....................................................................................       650.00
            SAFORELLE Gent;e Cleansin Care (100ml)..............................................      159.75
            MUSTELA Stelopia Emollient Cream (10ml)...........................................         59.50
            TOTAL                                                                                                         P  6, 074.08

WOW!! That's a whopping 89.79% savings for the cost of 595Php only!! How about that?!
This was truly an amazing box for me. Plus I got the bonus item which was the
Mustela Stelopia Emollient Cream for being one of the first 150 subscribers! I can use the
products anytime of the day and they aid most of my skin problems. Super love them! :)

There you go laddies!
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the moment with me.
If you want to have your very own GlamourBox,
Go to to subsribe.
Also, like their facebook page (

That's it beautiful.
May you have a wonderful days ahead.
See you in my next post!

Monday, September 30, 2013

UNBOXING | September BDJ Box

Hey beautiful! How are you doing?
Today I'll share with you my unboxing moment with my September BDJ Box.

This is my very first BDJ Box EVER and I am super excited that it finally arrived!
Although it was a bit delay due to the courier but the wait was worth it. 

The theme for this month's box is LUMINISCENT BEAUTY.
They brought us beauty essentials that would make us glowing and radiant!
From hair treatments, skin treatment, advanced cleansing system and brightening product,
intimate apparel line and hand cream. Also a BB Cream and a lip gloss 
that will make you stand out in the crowd. All that are inside the box!

So let's see what's inside the box, shall we??


Infused with the revolutionary Liquid Diamond Effect Formula, Cashmere Shine 
and Amino Supply, this treatment mask will surely give your hair the perfect dazzle
and shine. Best used 1-2 times a week for beautifully soft hair and healthy tips. 178ml - 349Php


Instantly moisturize with this activator to make your hair more manageable and ready
for styling. Best used after hair treatments or before applying hair styling
products. 30ml - 349Php


This #1 exfoliator from Japan is made from 90% water but safe and effectively removes
dead skin cells from skin's surface! Try this one month trial pack for a brighter and 
smoother skin without having to scrub hard! 250ml - 1500Php


This non-greasy, gel like cream easily absorbs into skin that deeply hydrates and
makes you skin look smoother and brighter from your first use! It's celLucent fromula
visibly reduces dark spots and uneven skintone! 50ml - 1499Php


This hand cream is enriched with 20% Shea Butter and other nourishing ingredients
that penetrate the skin to immediately protect, moisturize, soften and replenish
dry skin. 30ml - 300Php

BB Cream

This BB Cream has the whitening  powers of Glutathione and Arbutin that make your skin
radiantly fairer and smoother after use. Enjoy the 8 benefits your skin can achieve
while using this! 40ml - 499Php


Sweet little Emma, for the sweetest girl in town! Cutest lip gloss ever!
Travel with it now! Available in 2 glittering shades: pink and peach. 3g - 245Php


Be body beautiful at any age with an intimate apparel that surely provides comfort, support
and fit that will make you fashionably feeling good from the inside! 795Php


Experience a quick skin revolutionary treatment that restores your skin's
original condition. Feel your skin become smooth, nourished and healthy with a clear,
glowing complexion! 1000Php

T  H  A  T  '  S     I  T  !  !  !

All the items inside the box cost  6,536Php and I payed a total of 580Php for this box,
isn't it amazing?! I got 6x the money I payed and was definitely worth it!

I am super happy with my box. Most of the items are full sized. The Olay was the best
for me since I am in dire need of a moisturizer right now, thank God! The lipgloss is hanging
on my phone as of now, plenty already complimented me about my cute lip gloss. Also,
the hair products went great! I've been using it for 5days already and my hair feels
oh so wonderful! I'll try to make separate reviews for this items. So stay tune for them!

Alright, that's the whole unboxing of my BDJ September Box!
I hope you had fun reading :)

If you want to subscribe and get your own BDJ Box,
go to and register then subcribe.
Also like their page on Facebook:

Stay pretty ladies!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

POND'S Perfect Care Lemon Cold Cream

Hey beautiful! How are you doing? I hope you are oh so having a terrific day right now =)
Today I will you about my favorite makeup remover to date.

P O N D ' S   P E R F E C T   C A R E
L E M O N   C O L D   C R E AM
D E E P   C L E A N S E R

Cleansing cream for nourished skin
Leaving skin clean, soft, nourished and moisturized.
Pond's Lemon Cold Cream, a smooth cream enriched with skin
moisturizers, helps remove makeup and dirt and leaves
moisturizers for clean, soft and smooth skin.

Being a makeup enthusiast, I wear makeup almost all the time, when going to school, to the mall, or simply outdoors. I wear makeup mainly because I want to feel presentable and pleasant to look at, I'm confident wearing makeup, period. lol.

So after a whole entire day wearing makeup, my face tends to gather dirt and oil from pollution and from the environment so I make it a point to cleanse as much as I can to remove all the dirt and minimize my impurities. That's where Pond's Perfect Care Lemon Cold Cream comes in action. I always wear liners and mascara, removing them by simply washing my face is not good enough because it leaves the skin on my eye area dark and the product I am using are usually water-proof. With the help of this product, removing makeup is just a breeze! No dark skin, no rubbing, no irritation. Just smooth, soft skin after application!

PRICE. This costs 130Php at the mall and contains 60ml. This is my second third jar
already. My last jar lasted for couple of months. Not bad.

CONSISTENCY. It is your typical cream, but it get oily upon application. Simply get a pea-size
and place it on the forehead, nose, chin and cheeks then simply massage through the face, then viola! =D

SCENT. It has this lemon scent that reminds me of a candy, I forgot the name. It may have a scent but it's not pungent at all, I even find it quite pleasant to smell. Like fresh and citrusy.

OVERALL. This is a good product. An awesome makeup remover for only 130Php that can last for months! It left my face soft, smooth and moisturized, just the skin that I always wanted. I won't stop using Pond's products because they always satisfy their consumers.

What I like about the product:
  • It only cost 130Php.
  • I like the scent.
  • Travel friendly, can be easily squeezed in bags.
  • Love the cute packaging.
  • Available on almost all department stores and drugstores.
  • Left my skin soft, smooth and moisturized!

What I don't like about the product:
  • Made my face a little bit oily.
  • Other than that --- NOTHING!

Before ending my review about this awesome product,
I would like to share some tips on how to use the Pond's Cold Cream
to achieve the maximum benefits from this product.

  • If you don't like to feel too oily before washing your face, you can use facial wipes to remove the cream and wash your face after to remove the excess cream.
  • When removing water-proof liners and mascara, put a small amount of cream on the lids and gently massage throughout the eye area to remove the makeup. You don't need to rub it hard since continuous massaging removes the makeup already.
  • Continue to massage throughout the face even when your makeup is already removed so your face can absorb the cream.

There you have it ladies! I hope I made another useful post for all of you pretty ladies out there.
Do you use other makeup removers? Share it with me so I too can experience
the awesome power of your product =)

Stay pretty!

iWhite Korea Whitening Pack

Hi beautiful! Do you have problems with white heads and black heads?
I for one has been dealing with this issues ever since I was in high school.
Tiny white heads gather on my nose as well as my chin area and my forehead, some advised me to have a facial every month so I can minimize my problem. But with that taken in mind, can I afford spending a monthly facial? I think not. Good thing my cousin recommended iWhite Korea Whitening Pack and it did made my problems go bye-bye! =)

iWhite Korea Whitening Pack
Revitalizes ●  Cleanses ● Enhances

iWhite Whitening Pack instantly removes dead skin, deep-seated dirt
an other impurities to reveal radiant, glowing, younger-looking skin.

Especially formulated with Mulburry Extract that whitens dark skin and evens
out discolorations, Panax Ginseng Root Extract that revitalizes and improves
skin health and Vitamin A, C E and B5 to prevent premature aging.

PRICE. I bought this for 222Php at the mall, I seldom see this product on drugstores, I don't know why. This was the first time I saw this on Robinson's and now, they're off the shelf! 
Does this product sell that fast?! I'm still lucky I got mine. *grin :3

PACKAGING. It comes in a white squeezable tube and contains 3.35oz (95g) of product. 
A tube like this can last for an entire month, depending on how often you use it. 
Mine is on it's 2nd week already and there's still plenty inside.

Upon removing the cap, I saw that the tube is sealed. 
So that's good, you can be sure that the item you bought is not tampered or used. 
It can easily be removed as well.

A P P L Y I N G    T H E    P R O D U C T

HAHAHAHA! Just kidding. I apologize for this photo, I really do.
It's just that, I applied the product at night after I arrived from school.
So it's meant to be dark, and I also used the flash. My bad x)

Okey, so upon application, the consistency of the product is a bit gooey.
Like a glue, maybe? And it also dries up quickly, so you better apply it all over
your face quickly to prevent further mess.

The first time I used this, I felt uncomfortable with all the gooey-ness happening on
my face. But after getting used to it, I kind of like the feeling already. After 10 minutes, you 
would feel that the mask is starting to dry up and your face begins to tighten. Heck I can't
speak well whenever I have a mask on!

I consider doing this as a part of my exfoliating routine. I exfoliate every other day
since it's not that good to exfoliate everyday because to much skin will be removed,
and therefore prevent irritation or something. It's just something I read. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I peel the mask after 30mins more or less, chin first. I don't know, I like it that way. lol. 
It kind of hurt due to the facial hairs being pulled while removing the mask, but it's bearable.

You may also notice wholes over the mask, that's where my white heads sits.
I tend to apply more product on my nose area as well as other areas where most of my
white heads are so it can really be removed, or not, minimized.

ALRIGHT! I managed to remove the mask without tearing it apart! lol.
I've been VERY careful with this. So I should pat myself in the back. hehe!

After removing the mask, I felt my face soft, fresh and just awesome! lol.
I love touching it after. ^_^

OVERALL. I like the product. It's worth my money spent. It did helped me with my
white heads and made my skin of so soft and smooth. I love the after feel of this product!
I don't know with you guys but I find this item affordable considering that you can use it for
a whole entire month whereas to having a facial for one session only every month.
With this product, you can have a facial every week! How good is that? =)

What I like about the product:
  • The packaging is neat to look at.
  • Affordable at 222Php but the sachet is also available.
  • Doesn't have a pungent smell.
  • The after-feel is amazing!

What I don't like about the product:
  • A bit messy to apply.
  • Other than that, NONE.

So that's it ladies! Have a facial every week at the comfort of your bedroom.
It's affordable. It has amazing results. And it's FUN when peeling it off. lol.
Try it now and see the difference! =)